The dose makes the poison.

I read an article in the New York Times today that confirmed what I have suspected all along. If you have a healthy immune system, a few viral particles will not make you sick. This begs the question, however, how many viral particles does it take to make you sick? While this can be extrapolated from what was determined for the Sars Cov 1 virus as “a few hundred particles”, the real answer is no one really knows. How many viral particles find their way into your respiratory system is dependent on three main factors: proximity to the infected person, airflow, and timing. But it also depends on the shape of your nostrils and the amount of nose hair you have. So, wearing a mask, and social distancing may not prevent you from being completely protected, however, it certainly can minimize the amount of exposure.

After reading this article, I am confident that cold fogging with hypochlorous acid after dental procedures is really going to help us feel a lot better about killing the viral particles that are floating in the air. Oh, and I guess, for the time being, I will stop trimming my nose hairs.


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